
Posts Tagged ‘Extra’

Is it unusual to buy a printer without a USB cable being supplied with it?

May 29th, 2013 7 comments

I’ve just bought a new HP deskjet printer but there’s no USB cable with it. Would you expect a USB cable to be supplied with your new printer? It’s too late to bring it back to the shop so I’ll have to wait until the morning.
Hey Jeebus, I’ve just bought a brand new printer. The least they can do is give me a USB cable to go with it!

i also purchased a new HP deskjet and the sales person said the USB cable was extra, my blood pressure was going up and i replied " would you buy a car with only 3 wheels" no he said. got the cable 🙂

How to install my HP printer without using the provided CD?

February 23rd, 2013 5 comments

I just bought a new HP printer (Deskjet Ink Advantage 2010 – K010a). My CD drive isn’t working, so I was thinking, is there a downloadable installer for my printer? Please provide specific details. Thanks!

P.S. My computer has Windows 7 Home Premium, 32-bit.

you can download the installer from the hp website, all you have to do is type it into google, although if you are not bothered by all the extra useless features that they throw into the program and all you want to do is print, then you should be able to just connect the printer to your computer and it will work. Windows has many printer drivers preinstalled.

Here is a link to the drivers and software to download. (If you want the software)

Good Luck